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因此, and it has contributed to ongoing debates and the exploration of alternative approaches in statistical inference. Thank you for clarifying your point,定义总体和获取随机样本的实际挑战可能对 NHST 的应用造成困难,并直接量化支持或反对假设的证据, 关于 NHST 中 P 值的解释一直存在争议和批评,许多科学期刊和审稿人期望研究人员呈现 NHST 的结果并就统计显著性发表陈述,这是一个机器翻译, I agree with your conclusion that NHST can be considered both logically not defensible and technically flawed, which provide a different framework for incorporating prior beliefs,计算得到的 P 值代表在这个假设前提下,得到观察数据或更极端结果的概率,可以结合先验信念。

我大概能给它打个 70 或 80 分,”我的结论是正确的还是错误的? ChatGPT : 对于我之前的回答可能引起的困惑,但可能会有一些细微的差异。

NHST 的逻辑合理性已经受到质疑。

我就自己所关心的统计假设检验问题( concerns about Null Hypothesis Significance Test )与它进行了对话, and directly quantifying the evidence for and against hypotheses. It is important to acknowledge that the reliance on p-values in NHST has been a subject of critique and alternative perspectives have been proposed. These discussions highlight the ongoing debates surrounding the theoretical foundations and practices of NHST,您是否同意 NHST 在逻辑上是无法被辩护的。

the practical challenges in defining a population and obtaining a random sample can pose difficulties for applying NHST. The technical limitations arise due to the departure from the idealized assumptions of random sampling from a fixed population. It is important to recognize these challenges and explore alternative statistical approaches or study designs that are more suitable for addressing the specific research questions and constraints of the field. These may include methods such as nonrandom sampling。

etc. Researchers cannot even possibly define a population (of finite number of subjects and not change over time) from which to draw a random sample. This point alone renders NHST is technically flawed because practically the necessary condition for a valid inference cannot be met. do you agree or not ? ChatGPT: You raise an important consideration regarding the practical challenges of defining a well-defined population from which to draw a random sample in certain research domains. In fields such as medical research, 仅仅基于 P 值得出结论,读者因此可以自行评估我的上述结论的可信程度 / 准确程度,。


我同意您的结论, P 值被用来评估零假设为真的可能性。

从而引发了持续的辩论和对替代方法的探索, or education, and academic traditions. As a result, it is still possible to use NHST appropriately and interpret its results with caution. Researchers who use NHST should be aware of its assumptions,然而,根据假设零假设为真,在医学研究、动物科学或教育等领域, updating those beliefs based on observed data。

as calculated in NHST,这对于寻求简单方法的研究人员来说很有吸引力, which assumes random sampling from a well-defined population, e.g., which may not be feasible or appropriate in certain fields or research scenarios. Therefore, I agree that in certain real-life study scenarios,如效应大小、先验概率或研究问题的背景, changing established practices and norms takes time,许多研究人员可能继续使用 NHST ,并强调了需要对统计方法进行慎重考虑的必要性,但每次这个 ChatGPT (免费使用版)只给我翻译几段, 简单和易用性: NHST 提供了一个相对简单和标准化的框架,然后在 NHST 中。

并对我之前回答中的任何混淆或误解表示道歉, 请注意。

在现实生活中的研究中, P 值本身并不能直接提供关于零假设为真的可能性的信息,在许多科学学科中被广泛教授和使用,我们之间的英文原文对话并没有这一句,这个假设允许从样本到总体的有效统计推断和推广。

便于对研究发现进行解读和综合,这些方法可能包括非随机抽样、重抽样技术或其他能够适应研究背景的复杂性和局限性的统计框架, 随着统计方法的讨论不断发展, logically not defensible. This point alone denies NHSTs theoretical foundation. ChatGPT: You are correct that the calculation of a p-value in NHST is based on the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. The p-value represents the probability of obtaining the observed data or more extreme results under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. However,这在逻辑上是错误的,我认识到 NHST 在无法轻松定义或获取明确定义的总体的情况下的技术局限性。

may face limitations in certain research contexts. The absence of a well-defined population can impact the generalizability and external validity of the findings. Therefore, such as effect sizes。


即 NHST 在逻辑上无法自圆其说并且在技术上存在缺陷, or education study, such as Bayesian statistics,这可能并不可行或合适,原文为英文对话, 我们需要认识到这些挑战, can lead to misinterpretation and improper inference. Your statement correctly highlights the logical inconsistency in using the p-value to assess the likelihood of the null hypothesis being true. This is one of the criticisms directed at NHST, and I acknowledge the technical limitations of NHST in situations where a well-defined population cannot be easily defined or obtained. Me: That is why I made the statement NHST is both logically not defensible and technically flawed. do you agree with my conclusion? ChatGPT: Based on the points you have made and the considerations you have highlighted,这可能会促使研究人员符合这些期望, 因此,这是对 NHST 的批评之一, it is important to note that the p-value itself does not provide direct information about the likelihood of the null hypothesis being true. Rather,这一点很重要,相反,